Feed Your Brain!

It’s that time of year again. The weather is getting colder, college is nearly done, and that sweet turkey dinner is only a stone’s throw away. The only thing between us and the endless Christmas days is the matter of exams. Unless you have everything sorted, you will be running around like a headless chicken to finish it all. But, did you know you can eat yourself clever? Continue reading


Foodie Soc



I’m Foddie soc, a new society in DCU. I like curries, home made bread, veggies and the not normal stuff! I think the world is a thrilling place and more so with food!

Foodie Soc is an informative soc that shows students how to cook yum, healthy meals while ALWAYS thinking outside the chicken roll! Irrestibly filled wth creative ideas and craic, Foodie soc is something you won’t want to be without!

For more info check out
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Foodie-Soc/332374286809115?fref=ts
Twitter: @FoodieSocDCU
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8vlYgJHFT07kto8XZk93A?feature=watch